Atriums give an open feel to a building but are often susceptible to sound transmission due to the spatial size of the open space that cores a building.  

As building owners, the client had leased out two floors to new tenants occupying office spaces. Due to the building’s architectural design, it had a large atrium that extended through all the building floors. With a requirement for visual privacy between tenants and concern about sound transmission between tenants and offices, the client reached out to Autex and Interstall to advise on a suitable solution for the space.  

The client worked with Autex and Interstall to investigate products that would solve sound transmission while adding privacy between floors. Autex and Interstall advised installing Cascade Screens from the ceiling space to hang through the atrium, providing sound absorption and privacy. 

Altered to create a custom design, the Autex Cascade Screens were cut to a more squared pattern than the standard option to achieve a 33% solid panel. This provided greater sound absorption and allowed the panels to have the flexibility to be cut down to fit smaller spaces. 

Divided into 200mm x 200mm patterns meant the panels could be altered in size without disrupting the look and visual aesthetic of the screens. This was apparent when viewing the panels in windows, which are significantly smaller than a full panel size but still achieve a cohesive pattern throughout the installation. To minimise gaps, window screens were mounted directly onto the windowsill to add to the cohesive look while the custom pattern allowed natural light to filter through to the offices, retaining the atrium’s open feel.  

Due to the nature of the atrium space, the Autex Cascade Screens were fixed at the top of each floor, with wire suspension kits and mounted at the bottom two different ways. The different heights and sizes panels required meant full height screens were mounted and tensioned at the base, which needed exact measurements to maintain a symmetrical look on top and bottom. 

Measurements and precision were a crucial part of this installation as it required drilling into concrete to mount the wire suspension kits, meaning the Interstall team had only one shot at getting it right.  

 The installation mitigated challenges by working after hours to limit the sound disruption to existing tenants as an operating building. The Interstall team was able to work over a weekend to complete the installation, meaning tenants and businesses were not affected by the work being carried out. 


The design and engineering of Cascade hanging screens offered an acoustic solution to the noise within the building while achieving privacy for tenants and working businesses. The Interstall team was able to navigate this project with professionalism and skilful execution to ensure the result was symmetrical and cohesive whilst maintaining the integrity of the Autex product. 

Interstall is the team you trust with office installations, relocations, and reconfigurations. Talk to our specialist team today about your next project, and let’s help you get it done.


“Interstall did a fantastic job. It looks better than I was expecting! Greatly appreciate the team working through the weekend as we had a tight deadline. The team delivered the installation on time and did a great job with the Autex product.” – Bruce Green, Project Manager.